Resources and guides on how you can make your very own money without having a job.

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Hubpages Review : Make Money With Hubpages
Hubpages Review

Today i will personally write a review on Hubpages, and how you can make a potential revenue from it. Basically, i have tried many other ways of making money online by writing. I have tried many other sites ranging from WordPress to Squidoo, as well as many other sites but I would afraid to tell you that out of every site that i tried, i have my most success with Hubpages!
If you do not know or have not heard about Hubpages yet, Hubpages is an article submission site where one can write and publish about virtually anything that is under the sun.

Hubpages is one of the best online money making site available today. If you have an interest in writing and submitting articles, then Hubpages is just for you. You can write articles regarding any kind of topics that you like and best of all it is free! Hubpages is so easy to use and the interface is neat and very user-friendly. Hubpages provides you with all the essential and useful tools so that you can simply and easily start creating a new articles. In Hubpages, an article page is called a Hub. Helpful tools has made it so easy to write, add photos and pictures, as well as adding useful links to your articles. One can easily finish writing an article and publish in merely less than 5 minutes. You won't believe it, just try it today.

It is one of a kind site where the articles that you wrote truly belongs to you. You are NOT selling the articles that you wrote to the site. You are legally and legitimately the owner of the articles that you write. Hubpages is merely just providing the proper architecture and platform to support the articles that you wrote.

In Hubpages, you can earn substantial revenues by displaying relevent advertisements on the hub that you have created. The advertisements are provided by Google Adsense. You can simply register for a Google Adsense account and link it to your Hubpages account. Hubpages provide a easy way to make the link, don't worry. When your readers read your articles and click on the advertisement displayed, you earn a revenue. As has already been said, Hubpages is simply so easy to use, that you don't have to spend a second worrying where to place the ads and also best of all, you don't need any programming knowledge or skills such as HTML at all. All these are taken care of by Hubpages right from the beginning. In fact, Hubpages has even optimized the ads placement and layout automatically for you. All you need to do is just write and publish, and that's it. It is not surprised to see writers (known as hubbers in Hubpages) publishing 100 hubs in a month each.

Also, Hubpages will take care of site traffics as well. You don't have to worry about driving traffics to your site. Hubpages has taken good care of that. You will be amazed that traffics come rightaway the moment you publish your article. In addition, unlike other sites, Hubpages a ranks highly in google search too. A very good plus point. You don't even need to submit your site to google search engine everytime you create a hub.

To earn extra revenue, you also have the options to add-on other modules to your site to enchance your revenue. You have the options to become an affiliate of Amazon, eBay where you earn a commision selling their products too. You can display some products that are related to what you wrote in your article, and when someone purchase that product, you earn a commission on that sales. These are just bonuses on top of the revenue that your hubs are already generating. There is also an option to display Kontena ads on your article. These are text based advertisement that shows up on the text that you wrote if the word is relevent for their advertisement. To be frank, it is a bit harder to earn this revenue compared to the others mentioned above. Hubpages has also recommended that you add-on Kontena ads only when your monthly revenue from Google Adsense are at least US$50 per month.

However, there is a policy in Hubpages that states all revenue generated in Hubpages is split at a ratio of 40:60 between Hubpages and you. That means, Hubpages will take 40% of every revenue generated while you take the rest. Considering that Hubpages provides a platform to support your articles, driving traffics, taking care of basically every other things that a successful site required, and with all the plus points that i have mentioned above, i feel that Hubpages is already rather generous with their revenue sharing ratio. Even with that, I have seen many hubbers making money ranging from US$300 - US$1000 per month! And yes, it is 100% true. So, Sign up with Hubpages now. You will be surprised with their services.

More Readings :
How To Trade Forex Revealed
Opening A Forex Account

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posted by Fluffy @ 7:46 PM   0 comments

Friday, December 26, 2008
Make Money By Blogging
Make money by blogging

Blogging has apparently become a way where many young people make their own money. In this era of information and technology advancement, people are no longer bound to find a physical out-of-home job to earn a living. Well, thanks to the ubiquitous Internet and e-commerce nowadays, you can make your own money online by blogging. Today, blogging is no longer associated with young people. Even many adults, professionals and businessmen blog and make money from it.

What is a blog anyway? Simply put, a blog is just an online journal where you can customize how you want it to look, its color, layout and also not to mention, its contents and other features. Blogging is the easiest way to make money online and best of all, it doesn't cost a single cent to create. You can blog about basically anything you want. You can try some blog hosting sites that offer simple and easy to use blogging services where no programming skills is ever required to start a blog. You can use Blogger, Wordpress or Jackbook to create a blog.

But if you are serious about making real money online. It is best that you blog about topics that you really know or you are interested in. There are a number of ways you can make your own money by blogging though. The simplest of all is to register for an advertising account and display the advertisements on your blog. You will then be paid on a pay-per-click basis, that is you will earn revenue when someone visiting your blog clicks on the advertisements you displayed. There are also other companies that offer revenue based on a cost-per-action as well, that is, you will earn revenue whenever someone sign up for the product or services. Two popular advertising services that are widely used today are AdSense by Google and Overture by Yahoo!

You can also join affiliate marketing by selling other people's product or services and earn some commissions from it or you can also set up your own online virtual stores to sell your own products.

That's how you can make money by blogging.


posted by Fluffy @ 2:16 AM   0 comments

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