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Thursday, December 25, 2008
Ways To Make Money - Teenagers Guide
Ways for Teenagers To Make Money

There are basically two ways teenagers can make money; either go out there and get a summer time job or make money from the internet. Survey has shown a great majority of teenagers will opt for the former way to make money. For instance, a teenager can get a summer job in a departmental stores and get paid $10 an hour, which is what most teenagers will do because it gets them pretty quick cash. However, the downside is that, these teenagers will never learn the skills of building and running a business. In fact, the taste of getting some pretty quick cash and the habit of keeping a job will soon keep them glued to the job for the rest of their life.

In later stages of their life, they will have mortgages and car loans, utilities and other bills to pay. At that time, they would have reached the "there is no turning back point" and they are officially stuck. They can no longer quit their job. They cannot afford to lose their job and so they will be keeping their job for the rest of their life.

Having a job will never give you financial freedom because it is of the earned income type, which is an income that stops flowing the moment you stop working. (Read my Different Types of Income for better understanding)

The second method of making money online is a better option of making money although initially it doesn't provide pretty much quick cash. Sometimes, there isn't any money coming in at all for the first few months but in the longer run, this method of making money proves better. Besides, it also gives the teenagers a better glimpse of what running a business is all about, particularly when building a online storefront. The fastest way to make money online however is through affiliate marketing or blogging.

Affiliate marketing is where you start selling products created by other people and earn some commissions by directing customers to their website through your affiliate link. You earn a certain percentage of every successful sale. The best part is that you only need to create a website promoting the products once and it will take care of itself by self promoting for every customers; which is unlike real-life direct selling, you need to promote and repromote again and again for every customers. If you already have a wide network of friends or people, another effective and faster method will be attaching your affiliate link at the bottom of every email you are going to send, be it friends, relatives or even family. Please don't spam. That way, you are promoting to pretty much people pretty fast.

This is one of the best ways for teenagers to make money because they really get the chance to understand how businesses work. However, get paid to write review, get paid to do survey and other similar things like that are no different from having a summer job. That's just an online version of having a job. You get paid when you do it. You don't get paid when you stop doing it.

So, do understand that although you can simply go out there and get a job and get some pretty quick cash, having a job will never make you rich in the long run. The only person getting rich is your boss. Become your own boss and start building business is the best options. Although building a business cannot be done overnight, it requires time, but in the long run, cash will come one day and keeps flowing in every month whether you work or not. You will be in command of how much you want to earn, not your boss. Now that summarizes the ways for teenagers to make money.

See Also
Make Money With No Money


posted by Fluffy @ 4:57 PM  

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